Community Heart & Soul Success Stories

Community Heart & Soul Success Stories

Explaining what Rosendale Heart & Soul is can be difficult, because the process begins with questions – who lives, works and plays here? what do we care about? what can help make Rosendale a better place? It’s the answers those questions that provide the meat of the project, the grist for trained listeners to review and glean what’s most important to the community. And then we design an action plan for the long game.

But at the beginning, we have no idea what may come of this effort. It helps to check out how the process has worked in other communities around the United States. Community Heart & Soul has a terrific page featuring the stories of many towns that have participated in the process, and each town has created their own version. This process is definitely NOT cookie-cutter!

And since Rosendale is uniquely unique (ha), this program is a good fit.

Here’s a link to the CH&S story page. Enjoy!