Rosendale Rumpus!

Our Rosendale Kids Parties are an answer to the community calling out for more family events. We are already so fortunate to have the Rosendale Youth Center and the Rosendale Library, which provide childcare, programming, and so many opportunities for kids to get to know one another and to have fun. The Kids Parties are meant to bring whole families together with community volunteers to build relationships, increase civic engagement, and provide a space for children and their caregivers to have fun together.

Last weekend, Constance Taft volunteered to facilitate an absolutely beautiful craft. She incorporated art and nature in that magical way that she has. Rainbow the Clown appeared, mesmerizing the kids and inspiring us all with her  heartfelt declarations of love for our very special, very small town. Families met and mingled, making real connections. The kids were wild, and sweet, and so creative. It felt vital to our health as a community, and it felt truly important.

Although Rosendale Heart and Soul started these events, we are passing it on to community members to take ownership of it, and keep it going! If you would like to get involved by providing snacks, venue, entertainment or the like, please send us an email at, or text  (845) 443-5048.