RH&S Backstory

RH&S Backstory

Rosendale Heart & Soul is a grass roots community project begun in summer of 2022 based on Community Heart & Soul, a time-tested program developed by the Orton Foundation. The process is designed to nurture authentic vibrancy in our treasured town and to enable us to decide together how we want to move into the future.

The Heart & Soul process is grounded in three powerful principles – involve everyone, focus on what matters most, and play the long game. The two-year project has four phases: 1 – Imagine, 2 – Connect, 3- Plan, 4 – Act. This project will increase community connections, support the local economy, encourage youth leadership, envision long term improvements, and help inform Rosendale’s next Strategic Plan, while deepening Rosendale’s unique character. Rosendale Heart and Soul, Inc. is an independent New York State not-for-profit organization with the seal of approval of the Rosendale Town Board. In 2022 Rosendale Heart and Soul was accepted into the CH&S program and awarded a $10,000 seed grant. Community Heart & Soul is a nonprofit organization of the Orton Family Foundation (Vermont Country Store). They have developed a resident-driven program that brings members of small towns into conversation to plan their future. The CH&S process ensures that we hear diverse voices and perspectives of all community members for better-informed planning.