Dec 7 2024, Frozendale Maker Market. Maria (M) and Kathleen (K)

M: We are here at the [very noisy] Rosendale Heart & Soul Maker Market. And I am speaking with Kathleen. What do you love about Rosendale?
K: My family goes back to the beginning of St. Peter’s Church. My great-great-great-great-aunt was the second marriage performed in the church. So we’ve been part of the community for a long time. And we didn’t know it. When my father moved here, that’s when we found out that family goes back to this area for a long time.
I love Rosendale. I love it. It’s like you’re in a little cocoon. And I like the fact that everybody.. it seems that you really have something to do with your family. You know, you can count on them for you. It’s not like who you are.
M: It’s true, isn’t it? I understand that you played a central role in starting Frozendale.
K: Many years ago, when I was part of the Rosendale Chamber of Commerce, I wanted to [expand] community outreach. And I really liked the idea of having all of the businesses be able to have a presence during the holidays and give people a great destination to go to. To come together as a community.
M: And how do you feel coming here today and seeing what’s going on?
K: This is awesome. I don’t get out that much because I’m a caregiver for my mom. So I’m out having a good time.
M: And you so deserve it. It’s great. It’s really great. It sounds like you’re really creative and inventive. Do you have any ideas for Rosendale now? Because what we’re doing is we’re trying to glean great ideas and create ways of doing that. Anything that you see needs help?
K: Well, as I said, I take care of my mom. She is Mary Carol. She used to be very community-minded. She was very involved. And now she’s pretty much at home, not getting out. I wish there was some way… I was looking at in the community outreach for all the seniors that are stuck at home. That can’t get out anymore. They’re part of the community. But they work for so many years. And let’s get at least an an organization together so the young people come down to meet with those people.
M: So these are seniors aging in place.
K: And they might have some caregivers, but they don’t get out. The elders don’t get out. You can get the young people, teenagers, or even young 20s, to adopt one of these men or women as a grandparent. And they can go visit them once or twice a week. It doesn’t have to be for a long time. They have things to teach. And the young people have things to teach the old people.
M: It’s very synergetic, I know. Well, you know, you get people together and wonderful things come up. Do you have any other words of wisdom or not that you’d like to share with us? Because we will share your interview.
K: Words of wisdom is be kind to one another. Especially given the circumstances that we’re going to have now. Everyone needs to be kind.
M: Cut everybody a break.
K: That would be my wish. You can all be loving and kind to one another.
M: You know, it’s the simple things. Thank you!